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RCA News
RCA ENO National Coordinators' Meeting 23-27 August 2004, KAERI, Daejeon, Korea Identify Priority Areas for Electronic Networking and Outreach






How modern information and communication technology can contribute to the successful implementation of RCA programme? The ENO (Electronic Networking and Outreach) thematic project has been accommodated to the RCA programme to help this endeavor. National ENO Coordinators of the participating Member States will meet at KAERI, Daejeon, Korea during 23-27 August 2004 to discuss means and ways to enhance RCA information flow activities. 

The ENO project was first initiated to undertake electronic networking for UNDP supported RCA projects, in particular the environment related project. Database for mutual use of regional resources units (RRUs) is one of the outcomes of the brainstorming. Assisting operation of national RCA homepages was another facet of the ENO project. Most of RCA Member States now enjoy their national RCA homepages for better RCA information flow. The project further envisages e-meeting and livelink for archives of RCA technical documents. Malaysia is the Lead Country of this important project while India and Korea are the Assisting Lead Countries.

