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RCA News
Eight Post-doc Fellows Accepted for RCARO 2003 Programme To Participate in Major Nuclear R&D Projects in KoreaTo Meet the Evolving Needs of the Member States






Eight fellows have been accepted for RCARO's 2003 Post-doc Fellowship Programme. The post-doc fellows will participate in Korea's major national nuclear R&D projects in various field of endeavors, basically for 6 months period. The fellows selected are: 3 from Bangladesh, 3 from China, 1 from Mongolia and 1 from Myanmar. This time, the fellows will complete their post-doctoral programme in the field of nuclear medicine, research reactor, cyclotron, and radiation protection. The host institutions will be the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) and the Korea Institute of Radiological and Medical Sciences).

The RCA Regional Office (RCARO) holds the fundamental belief that today's more efficient and prepared scientists and engineers become tomorrow's highly desired professions. In keeping with this focus, RCARO initiated several nuclear knowledge enhancement and preservation programmes that include the Post-doc Fellowship (Training) Programme. In the first year of initiation, a total of 13 post-doc fellows from the RCA Member States pursued post-doctoral career.

The 2004 programme will be announced latter part of 2003, however, the programme prospectus will be circulated early in January 2004. The National RCA Representatives are the main channel for application.
The RCARO will receive applications from the National RCA Representatives of the Member States no later than middle of March 2004. After selection in March 2004, acceptance notice will be informed immediately to the fellows. The host institutes are responsible to provide the fellow a round air ticket plus reasonable amount of living expense in Korea and other fringe benefits such as medical insurance.

For more information on RCARO Post-doctoral Fellowship (Training) Programme, please click www.rcaro.org New Programmes menu or contact (Ms) Young-Shin Kwon, RCA Regional Office (kysrca@kaeri.re.kr).