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RCA News
RCA Final Project Review Meeting on External Dosimetry Intercomparison 15-19 March 2004, Tokai, Japan






IAEA/RCA Final Project Review Meeting on “External Dosimetry Intercomparison” will be held in 15-19 March 2004 in Tokai, Japan.

Major objectives of the meeting are
- To review and assess the technical performance of the labs participating in the intercomparison
- To identify major technical problems and propose remedial actions
- To discuss the evaluation, interpretation and management of personnel monitoring data
- To introduce the new documents on Quality Management Systems
- To review and discuss actions to assure sustainability of the labs function
- To identify and update needs for 2005-2006, including expert services, fellowships, equipment, supplies in the field

The meeting will focus on discussion of the intercomparison methodologies, results and the actions for future work related to the assessment of occupational exposure due to external sources of radiation.

For more information, please write to Mr. Kunihiko Shinohara (Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute(JNC)) at kshino@tokai.jnc.go.jp