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RCARO Strategic Workshop on RCARO Future Strategies






Report of the Workshop on RCARO Future Strategies
Seoul, Korea, 24-26 July 2007

1. Introduction

As agreed by the 29th Meeting of RCA National Representatives in Sydney, Australia in March 2007, the Workshop on the RCARO Future Strategies was held 24-26 July 2007 at Sheraton Grande Walkerhill, Seoul, Korea. The Workshop was attended by 20 participants from RCA Member States (MSs), the IAEA, the host Government of the RCA Regional Office (RCARO), the UNDP Office in Korea and related local organizations. The RCARO provided the secretariat for the Workshop.
The participants from the Member States included Mr. Ron Cameron (RCA Chair, Australia), Ms. Alumanda Dela Rosa (RCA NR, the Philippines), Mr. Long Maoxiong (on behalf of Mr. Yang Dazhu, the RCA NR of China), and Mr. Jae-Yong Hur (RCA NR, the Republic of Korea). From the IAEA, Mr. Prinath Dias (RCA Focal Person) and Mr. Qu Liang (Director, Joint FAO/IAEA Division) participated. From the RCARO host Government, Mr. Young-Shik Kim (Director General, Ministry of Science and Technology) attended. Experts in various fields also attended to provide advice on RCARO future strategies.
The list of participants is given in Annex 1.

2. Opening Session
2.1 Welcome Remarks of the Dir. RCARO

Mr. Kun-Mo Choi, Director of the RCARO, warmly welcomed all the participants and thanked them for attending the Workshop in spite of their busy schedule. He noted that the Workshop had been convened as an effort to enhance partnerships for the RCA and to find ways and means for implementing and achieving the RCARO strategies. He noted that the RCARO had a lot of challenges in the future and that this Workshop was valued as a good opportunity for sharing experience and exchanging views on the future strategies for the RCARO to further enhance the visibility of the RCA Programme and to attract new partners and donor funding. This Workshop was seen as an important strategic planning exercise and one way by which the participants could share their experience. It was noted that the conclusions and recommendations from this Workshop would further strengthen the operation of the RCARO. He highlighted that this week was especially important for the RCARO since the Selection Committee was held on Monday and the Working Group Meeting would be held on Thursday and Friday. He reminded the participants that the main objectives of this Workshop were:
- To seek ways to increase RCA’s partnership with other organizations in line with RCA Medium Term Strategy
- To develop follow-up projects starting in 2009 after the completion of the current RCA/UNDP Environment Project,
- To discuss the RCA’s participation in the 6th International Conference on Isotopes (6ICI) to be held from 12-16 May 2008 in Korea
- To enhance RCA’s leadership in the region through brainstorming, and
- To discuss any other issues relating to the future development strategies for the RCARO.
In conclusion, he expressed his great appreciation for the RCA Member States’ cooperation with and support to the RCARO and hoped that this Workshop would undertake substantial discussions on future development strategies.

2.2 Remarks of the Director General, Atomic Energy Bureau, MOST on behalf of the host Government of RCARO

Mr. Young-Shik Kim, DG, Atomic Energy Bureau of MOST, in his congratulatory remarks welcomed all the participants who attended the Workshop (Annex 2). Referring to the development of human resources on nuclear activities supported by the RCARO, he emphasized that the RCA Regional Office had carried out a pivotal role for 5 years in maintaining nuclear cooperation in Asia and Pacific since its establishment. He noted that as part of its role in promoting partnerships and enhancing ownership, the RCARO had been conducting a three-year joint study with the UNDP since last year. He added that the RCARO had set up an information system, which enabled the MSs to share RCA success stories with other MSs. Various other achievements of the RCARO in the field of nuclear cooperation development were also noted.

He detailed the significant nuclear energy developments made in Korea during the past 10 years, and commented that Korea now had achieved self-reliant nuclear power technology. He informed the Workshop that under the 3rd comprehensive nuclear energy promotion plan, which was formulated by the Korean Government to use nuclear energy as the national driving force in the future. He further outlined other development achievements of Korea during the past 10 years.

With respect to non-nuclear power applications, He said that Korea had laid the foundation for modernization of nuclear medicine through diagnosis of disease using positron emission tomography. Korea’s cooperation with the RCA MSs would be strengthened so that nuclear technology could contribute to improving the quality of human life by means of nuclear such as the development of medical cyclotron use and radiopharmaceuticals for diagnosis and treatment of cancer, the world’s leading cause of death. He expressed his view that the quality of people’s life could be enhanced through the use of nuclear energy, and more importantly, synergism under mutual cooperation should be created. He hoped that the RCA would continue to play its vital role as the pioneer of regional cooperation, and further create many more success stories through the RCARO. It was hoped that the RCARO could further play a pivotal role in the region.
In closing he expressed the view that the Workshop would be a good opportunity to develop new directions for development, by sharing experiences and to exchange opinions about how to promote partnerships among the MSs. He drew the attention of the Workshop to the need to strengthen the function and status of the RCARO so that an appropriate framework for the RCARO could be set up in near future. Further he highlighted that the NRs need to make additional efforts in the area of cooperation so that opinions could well be readily exchanged and experiences shared. He invited the participants to freely share their views and provide their advice to help direct the RCARO towards the right path for the future and have it equipped with the most appropriate strategies to take on the challenges. He expressed appreciation for the efforts made by the Director of the RCARO. He went on to thank the Member States for the cooperation and enthusiasm of all of the participants in the review process, which was a clear demonstration of ownership of the RCA by the Member States.

2.3 Remarks of the RCA Chair on behalf of RCA Member States

Mr. Ron Cameron, RCA Chair, thanked the RCARO Secretariat for the good arrangements made in preparation for the Workshop and hoped to see the Workshop provide a stimulating environment for good ideas to aid the RCARO in moving forward.
He briefly reviewed the tasks ahead for the Workshop. He noted that the MSs had been assuming an increased role in the ownership of the RCA and that enhancing the framework for the operation of the RCARO would be a valuable step in progressing such endeavors. He mentioned that the RCARO would need to ensure that its progress was in line with the RCA Medium Term Strategy (MTS) as well as the IAEA TC Strategy as it searched for partnership or collaborative opportunities with funding agencies. He addressed that any RCARO strategy would need to be consistent with a priority for regional projects. He remarked that the results from this Workshop be a good preparation for discussions at the upcoming GCM.

2.4 Election of the Moderator and the Rapporteur / Adoption of the Agenda

Mr. John Chung moderated the Workshop and Mr. Jeong-Hoon Lee was appointed as the rapporteur. The provisional Workshop Programme was adopted after minor changes based on the comments from some participants. The Programme of the Workshop and the Terms of Reference are given in Annex 3 and Annex 4, respectively.

2.5 Introduction to the Workshop by the Director RCARO

Mr. Kun-Mo Choi, Director, RCARO, made a presentation (Annex 5) to outline the background, objectives, and agenda of the Workshop, together with a summary of the four session topics:
- Strategies to Enhance RCA Partnership;
- RCA’s Participation in International Conferences;
- Partnership with UNDP to Develop the Next RCA-UNDP Project; and,
- RCA and Leadership.
It was noted that the objectives of the Workshop were:
- to formulate new projects to start in 2009 after the completion of the current three year (2006-2008) RCA-UNDP Environment Project;
- to discuss the RCA’s participation in the 6th International Conference on Isotopes (6ICI) to be held 12-16 May 2008 in Korea;
- to seek out ways to increase RCA’s partnership with other organizations in line with the RCA Medium Term Strategy;
- to enhance RCA’s leadership in the region through brainstorming; and,
- to discuss any other issues relating to the future development strategies for the RCARO.

3. (Session 1) Strategies to Enhance RCA Partnerships

3.1. Potential Partnership Organizations for RCA and their Programmes

Mr. Carlito Aleta gave a presentation (Annex 6) under the title “Opportunities for Partnerships”, which summarized the results of the mission he conducted in 2005 as part of his assignment to help the RCARO undertake its role of increasing the visibility and enhancing the viability of the RCA Programme. He touched upon the feasibility and potential development areas that might be considered as suitable for forging partnerships with other international organizations. He noted that recommendations in his reports had been presented on the basis of the feasibility of establishing partnerships to set up proposals for project in the 2007-08 cycle. He also noted that the missions had been carried out before the RCA had adopted its MTS. Although some revisions were required because of these factors, he suggested that the majority of the conclusions and recommendations were still valid.
Referring to the conclusions on feasibility for enhancing RCA partnerships, he proposed that dialogue should be pursued with selected organizations that had indicated that they were ready for partnerships with the RCA and RCARO. Further he suggested that it was important to consider exchanging information with nationally-focused organizations, e.g., FAO and UNDP, to facilitate co-project development.

In closing he invited views from the participants on several matters for consideration, namely:
- possible roles of the RCARO in addressing regional and national needs;
- future roles of the RCARO for medium-and long-term sustainability of the RCA; and,
- modalities on how to proceed with the next project cooperated with other international organizations.

After Mr. Aleta’s presentation, there were a number of comments from the participants. It was noted that criteria for selecting partnerships would be:
- regional involvement;
- consistency with RCA MTS;
- compatibility and similar planning cycles to RCA; and,
- where nuclear techniques play a large role.

It was noted that the UN agencies in MSs were embarked on a policy of integration so that a ‘one house’ approach could be achieved. While this might make it easier to work with them in the future, the process was only just beginning and would take some time to be established. However it was suggested that the NRs should follow up with appropriate UN agencies in their respective countries to keep them informed of what RCA was doing and assist in the general upgrading of the information about RCA with this important constituency.

3.2. Philippines Experience in Collaborating with International Development Organizations

Ms. Alumanda dela Rosa delivered a presentation on the Philippines Experience in Collaborating with International Development Organizations (Annex 7). She described the partnership with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) on air pollution, which had worked well and resulted in the Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (PNRI) now having good relationships with the ADB. However this project was part of a national programme. She explained that in this partnership the PNRI received no funds directly from ADB. These went to the Department of ENR.
It was pointed out that the PNRI also collaborated with PEMSEA for a risk assessment and monitoring programme for Manila Bay. She suggested that a new project for Sustainable Development Strategy for the Seas of East Asia initiative could be developed. Collaboration had been undertaken with the UNDP on natural hazards, e.g., seismic, typhoons. As part of this radon monitoring of the Marikina valley fault system was used as a seismic precursor.

3.3 Promotion of RCA Partnership in Connection with the RCA Medium Term Strategy

Mr. John Easey gave a presentation regarding the Promotion of RCA Partnership in Connection with the RCA MTS, focusing on enhancing the uptake of nuclear technologies and increasing the visibility of the RCA (Annex 8). He proposed that enhanced uptake of nuclear technologies relied on nuclear technology which would be value adding and address ongoing needs.
With regard to developments to facilitate increased RCA visibility, he suggested that it would be necessary to make better and more focused use of brochures, success stories, technological data, further development of the RCARO website as well as embarking on enhanced strategies for engaging stakeholders including the science community, technological decision makers and funding agencies. He proposed that a comprehensive collection of all key RCA documentation should be established on the RCA Website. He added that through electronic networking, MSs should make increased use of sharing information including technical data, lessons learned, meeting schedule, contact details, etc.
In closing he observed that the further promotions of the RCA and the development and achievement of future regional partnership would require the MSs to engage in heightened level of cooperation, strategic planning and thinking. He added that to promote RCA partnership and make a significant regional impact, the RCA would need to make concerted efforts to:
- increase awareness in the wider regional communities of the capabilities and capacity of the RCA to contribute in a meaningful way to these socially important sectors;
- forge productive alliances with key partners and donors to demonstrate and reinforce the strengths of nuclear science and technology when applied to these areas; and,
- emphasize the unique strengths of the RCA

3.4 General Discussion for the 1st Session

Mr. Manoon suggested that in taking account of contacts made and interests shown by various international organizations, there were opportunities to establish large regional projects with those organizations and have arrangements similar to those established in the past RCA Regional Industrial Project with UNDP. He foresaw two possible projects: 1) One regional project on Stable Isotopes Application for Sustainable Development, which would contain activities related usage of stable isotopes for solving water resource management, nutrition and food safety, marine environment, plant/soil optimization and soil erosion, and 2) another as a regional project on nuclear and radiation safety and security which would contain activities related national/regional infrastructure for nuclear and radiation safety and security. These projects would contribute to regional sustainable development in line with the U. N. Millennium Development Goal.
Mr. Kun-Mo Choi, Director of the RCARO, noted that it would be beneficial to provide information on the RCA projects through the RCARO website, which currently avails only for the purpose of the public access on the RCA activities.
In reply it was suggested that such integration was possible, however that might require substantial efforts to put those documents into the public-friendly form. It was suggested that the RCARO should develop and maintain a database of contact people in the identified potential partner organizations.
The main points of the discussions are reflected in the Conclusions and Recommendations from the Workshop, which is attached at the end of this report.

4. (Session 2) RCA’s Participation in International Conferences

4.1 Lessons Learned from Co-convening an RCA Seminar during PEMSEA International Conference

Mr. John K Chung, RCARO, made a presentation on Lessons Learned from Co-convening an RCA Seminar during PEMSEA International Conference (Annex 9). It was noted in his presentation that lessons drawn from co-convening an RCA seminar during PEMSEA International Conference in December 2006 in China were:
- the advantages of using nuclear techniques compared to conventional techniques should be emphasized as a means of solving currently problems;
- presentations have to be explained in a readily understandable manner especially for a non-nuclear audience;
- topics need to focus on the conference theme;
- wider communication with participants from other scientific communities needs to be pursued;
- sharing information among the associated RCA stakeholders on the results of conferences should be undertaken,
- networking with other communities should be continued; and,
- logistics arrangements for the RCA participants should be well made.

4.2 Introduction to the 6th International Conference on Isotopes

Mr. Byung-Jin Jun, KAERI, provided the Meeting with the update on the Introduction to the 6th International Conference on Isotopes (6ICI). His presentation is given in Annex 10. In his presentation, he informed the Workshop that the 6ICI would be held 12-16 May 2008 at Sheraton Grande Walkerhill Hotel in Seoul, Korea with the theme of Global Wellbeing with Isotopes. The Workshop took note of his presentation, which contained useful information detailing the purpose, history, organization, committee and programme of the 6ICI. Additional information was provided on the conference topics and a description of who would give the plenary lectures, together with the information regarding the registration and accommodation.

4.3 Possible RCA’s Participation in the International Conferences

Mr. M P Dias, IAEA, gave a brief overview on the possible RCA’s participation in international conferences (Annex 11)
He stated that objectives of participation in international conferences in conjunction with scheduled RCA events are to create awareness of RCA activities among international or regional organizations by presenting the work carried out by the RCA in certain project areas, and to enable participants to acquire knowledge in the relevant RCA project area. He suggested that 1) the RCA’s participation in international conferences should be a part of the strategy for improving visibility and establishment of collaboration, and 2) the mechanism for identification of the most appropriate conferences and of the persons who should participate, together with follow-up activities after participation, need to be clarified. He also talked about issue of cost effectiveness of the RCA’s participation in international conferences.

4.4 General Discussion for the 2nd Session

There were discussions, especially on the follow-up activities of the recent PEMSEA conference, and the guidelines for the RCA’s participation in the 6ICI. The main points of the discussions are reflected in the Conclusions and Recommendations from the Workshop, which is attached at the end of this report.

5. (Session 3) RCA and Leadership
5.1 Roles and Responsibilities of the Major RCA Stakeholders

Mr. Prinath Dias gave a presentation on the Roles and Responsibilities of the Major RCA Stakeholders (Annex 12). The presentation provided information on the stakeholders including NRs, RCA Chair, RCARO, TSLCC, PLCC, NPCs, and Project Team Members and identified their roles and responsibilities with a view to enhancing leadership for the RCA.

5.2 Member State’s View on Enhancing RCA Leadership in the Region by Major RCA Stakeholders

Mr. Long Maoxiong, CAEA, China, gave a presentation on China’s View on Enhancing RCA Leadership in the Region by Major RCA Stakeholders (Annex 13). He highlighted the contributions made by RCA activities in China with significant outcomes. He noted that a national RCA web site has recently been inaugurated in China in response to the growing need for coordination. He also made some suggestions to improve RCA leadership in the region in the perspective of China as a beneficiary of the RCA programme.

6. (Session 4) Partnerships with UNDP, in particular to develop next RCA-UNDP Project

6.1 Status of the RCA-UNDP (K) Project

Mr. Jae Sol Lee gave a presentation on the Status and Implementation of the RCA-UNDP (Korea) Project. The presentation put in perspective some of the major issues pertaining to planning, implementation, and management of the Project (Annex 14). It was noted that, in addition to technical-management assistance, the participating RCA MSs active participation, in kind contributions and dedication to the Project represented important contributions towards the successful completion of the 3 year RCA-UNDP Environment Project. He reported that the project is in its full track now with the sampling in 8 participating countries entailed by various stages of implementation of having been underway. He also noted that more details of the progress and necessary interactions with the stakeholder are to be reviewed at the project review meeting in plan to be held in October 2007 in Phuket, Thailand.
The presentation was followed by several questions and statements. A question was raised about the outcome of the project in terms of technical significance, to which he replied that more information would be compiled from the project review meeting in plan. The participating countries involved in the project made supportive comments on the value of the project, such sectors as tourism (Thailand) and environment (Philippines).

6.2 Experiences from the IAEA/RCA/UNDP Industrial Project

Mr. Manoon Aramrattana gave a presentation on the Experiences from the IAEA/RCA/UNDP Industrial Project (Annex 15). It was noted during his presentation that the Project was the biggest project implemented by the IAEA, and high level management support for the RCA acted as an essential element to steer the Project to meeting its objectives. He explained that the then Regional Office played a liaison role between the Project and the UNDP office in Jakarta, Indonesia and the other UNDP offices in the MSs. He highlighted that the Project benefited both government and private sectors in financial terms.
In conclusion, he commented that the UN had rated this as the most successful of 10 regional projects evaluated by them and much was due to the high spirit of cooperation among the MSs and with the IAEA. He said this underlined the message that that RCA MSs had capability of being good and effective partner with other international organizations.

6.3 Future UNDP-RCA Partnership

Ms. Hyun Shin Lee provided a general overview in respect of the Future UNDP-RCA Partnership (Annex 16). She gave a summary on the background of the partnership surrounding UNDP in general and UNDP Korea in particular, which provided information on the RCA-UNDP project complementary to the previous presentation by Mr. Jae-Sol Lee. She addressed that the UNDP regional offices in the participating countries would be informed on the progress and outcomes of the project. Regarding the development of new projects as a follow-up of the current UNDP project, she advised some areas like drinking water and air pollution would be prospective. She added that the UNDP network in the Member States could be utilized for such discussion.

The presentation was followed by several questions and answers such as the possibility for participation in the Yellow Sea project. The Workshop discussed possible areas for the next UNDP project based on the advice given by the UNDP Office in Korea and the RCA’s priority for the next cycle project, and suggested drinking water and air pollution as the topics for the follow-up project.

6.4 Cooperative Partnership with FAO/IAEA

Mr. Qu Liang gave a presentation titled “Application of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture” on the Cooperative Partnership with FAO/IAEA (Annex 17). He gave an overview of the activities of the Joint FAO/IAEA Division which covers 5 areas of specialization which includes pathogen of animals involved in the early detection of the pandemics such as Avian Flu. He provided the Workshop with the information regarding the Research Coordination Meeting held in March 2007 and the list of 14 countries and coordinators involved in the Coordinated Research Programme titled the Early and Rapid Diagnosis of Transboundary Animal Diseases such as Avian Flu.
The presentation was followed by several questions regarding the mechanism involved in the activities of the Joint Division. He explained how the funding is done and noted the only type of activities related to research is the CRP which is funded by the regular budget of IAEA. There were also several other questions regarding the possibilities for partnership and cooperation with the RCARO.
The suggestion of the Workshop on a possible partnership with the Joint FAO/IAEA Division is reflected in the Conclusions and Recommendations from the Workshop, which is attached at the end of this report.

7. (Session 5) Roles of the RCARO for Nuclear Cooperation

7.1 Nuclear Cooperation in Asia and the Pacific Region and RCARO’s Contribution

Mr. Ron Cameron, the RCA Chair, made a presentation on the Nuclear Cooperation in Asia and the Pacific Region and RCARO’s Contribution (Annex 18).
He noted that the RCA had evolved through a number of stages since its inception due to changing circumstances and evolving needs, and further said that the RCA has a high degree of self management and takes the lead in strategy and promotion to stakeholders.
Referring to the role of the RCARO, he observed that the RCARO had provided good support in promoting RCA and showed its willingness to take on additional tasks. He noted that the development of success stories and the RCA promotion session at PEMSEA were good outcomes for the RCA. He added that other opportunities through educational courses that are of high value.
Comparing with MTS Objective 4, he highlighted that the Workshop would 1) increase the focus on developing collaborative arrangements with other programmes, 2) emphasize the need for better publications with wider dissemination, 3) make suggestions for better electronic networking and information delivery, 4) set a course to actively promote RCA to funding agencies, 5) emphasize the need for flexible mechanisms for working with donors, and 6) recommend an overall promotion plan to incorporate these elements.

7.2 Member State’s View on the RCARO Future Strategy

Mr. Tran Huu Phat, Chairman, Vietnam Atomic Energy Commission, gave a presentation under the title Vietnam’s View on the Future Strategy of RCARO Program (Annex 19). He gave a view of Vietnam on the benefits of RCA with an emphasis on the demand in nuclear technology applications, in particular nuclear power programme which is in plan in Vietnam. He expressed a view on the positive aspects of RCARO as a regional actor on behalf of RCA and welcomed its initiative such as the RCA-UNDP (K) project.

8 Wrap-up of the Workshop
Comprehensive discussions were made on each issue. The conclusions and recommendations of the Workshop were formulated based on the outcomes of the discussions, which are attached at the end of this report.

9. Closing
9.1 Remarks of the RCA Chair

Mr. Cameron, in his closing remarks, thanked all the participants for their cooperation that he received to bring the Workshop to a successful conclusion. He also thanked the RCARO for its dedicated secretariat service.
9.2 Remarks of the RCA Focal Person
Mr. Dias congratulated the RCARO for the excellent arrangements and thanked the Director and the staff of the RCARO. He thanked all the participants for their cooperation and assistance during the Workshop. He noted the importance of good communication among the NRs and their close interaction with the RCA Secretariat and the RCARO for effective follow-up of the outcomes of the Workshop.
9.3 Remarks by Director. RCARO
Mr. Choi thanked all the participants for their contributions to the Workshop both in terms of their presentations and their active participation in the discussions. He remarked that the recommendations and suggestions were very valuable for future activities of the RCARO and they would be presented to the SAC and then the GCM for consideration.



Conclusions and Recommendations from the
Workshop on RCARO Future Strategies
24-26 July 2007 Seoul, Korea


1. Conclusions

The participants agreed that the meeting provided an opportunity for in-depth discussions on various aspects of the RCA and RCARO strategies and came out with some useful conclusions and recommendations for the future. The participants agreed that the conclusions and recommendations should be presented to the upcoming GCM for consideration.

They concluded among others:

a) The expert mission of Dr.C.R.Aleta sponsored by RCARO to provide advice on international organizations had been valuable in informing the meeting.

b) The partnership with UNDP-Korea has been successful and serves as a good model for other interactions. Further opportunities to work with UNDP-Korea should be sought.

c) Table 1 summarizes the initial suggestions for interaction with international organizations.

d) The participants agreed that the RCA should target 2010-2011 for the next joint project with the international organizations.

e) Regarding a possible partnership with the Joint FAO/IAEA Division, it was suggested that technical assistance could be provided if RCA MSs want identifyassistance on the early detection of trans-boundary animal disease such as avian flu using nuclear technology as a priority area. Some participants supported the need for such activities in the region considering the threat of avian flu. However, some others raised concerns that this was not one of the priority areas selected at the 29th NRM for the next cycle of the RCA projects.

f) The participants agreed that some targeted promotion through conferences could add value to activities enhancing the visibility of the RCA. This would be unlikely to be more than one per year.

2. Recommendations

2. 1 Developing Partnerships

a) The criteria for selecting partnerships should be 1) regional involvement, 2) consistenct with MTS goals specifically the criteria for RCA projects, 3) having compatible and similar planning cycles, and projects where nuclear techniques have a leading role to play.

b) The RCA should pursue regional collaborations with those organizations identified in Table 1. The RCARO should provide a report to the next NRM on the first round of interactions.

c) The preferred process is to have projects approved through the normal IAEA/RCA framework. However, the requirements of the partnership programme with other organizations may mean that the fast track mechanism may be applied, if appropriate.

d) With regard to the follow-up of the current RCA/UNDP project, suggested topics were drinking water and air pollution based on the relevant Concept Paper when confirmed by the upcoming GCM and the existing project document.

2.2 Promotion

a) A promotion plan for each year should be developed by the RCARO in cooperation with the RCA Focal Person describing the promotion activities and indicating the responsibilities between RCARO and the NRs. This should include promotional activities at conferences.

b) It is necessary to follow up the contacts made at the recent PEMSEA conference. It is suggested that the relevant PLCC in cooperation with the RCARO follow-up technical contacts made at PEMSEA and report back on outcomes to the NRs.

c) It is recommended that RCARO should investigate having an exhibition stand at the 6th International Conference on Isotopes (the 6ICI), website: www.ri.or.kr. Efforts should be made to have more success stories available for the conference.

d) Individual RCA participants should be encouraged to submit papers, particularly in the areas of use of isotopes in agriculture and the environment, but participation should be at no cost to the RCA.

e) A process should also be developed to follow-up relevant contacts made at the 6th ICI. A contact information form should be developed. The RCARO should then bring forward a list of contacts and a suggestion for follow up of these contacts to the 2008 GCM.

f) The RCARO should investigate whether funding could be made available to support the exhibition and some limited participation.

2.3 Publicity

a) It is recommended that the RCARO seek to increase awareness of the RCA, especially among country-based international organizations, by sending their success stories, publications and information on a regular basis.

b) The RCARO web page should be used as a vehicle for providing information to the public on key aspects of the RCA programme. The information should include project objectives, working plan, activities, end-users, contact people in each MS, and major achievements. The RCA Secretariat should provide this information.

c) RCARO should develop and maintain a database of contact people in the identified potential partner organizations.

3. Regional Cooperation

Organization Major focus Method of Contact Who should contact When Expected outcomes Report back Priority
UNDP Environment UNDP regional office in THA NR of THA with the RCARO official (relevant PLCC) Short term (2009-10) following 2007 GCM Joint project 2008 NRM 1
FAO Food, agriculture FAO/IAEA joint division in Vienna RCA Focal Person, and relevant PLCC Short term (2009-10) following 2007 GCM Joint project 2008 NRM 1
UNESCAP Environment (air pollution, water resources), energy UNESCAP head office in THA NR of THA with the RCARO official (relevant PLCC) Short term (2009-10) following 2007 GCM Joint project 2008 NRM 2
PEMSEA Marine environment PEMSEA office in PHI NR of PHI with the RCARO official (relevant PLCC) Short term (2009-10) following 2007 GCM Joint project 2008 NRM 2
ADB Environment, industry ADB head office in PHI NR of PHI with the RCARO official (relevant PLCCs) Short term (2009-10) following 2007 GCM Joint project 2008 NRM 3
UNEP Environment UNEP regional office in THA NR of THA with the RCARO official (relevant PLCC) Short term (2009-10) following 2007 GCM Joint project 2008 NRM 3