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RCA News
KOICA Training Course on Medical Applications and Utilization of Cyclotrons & RIs






KOICA (Korea International Co-operation Agency) supported Training Course on Medical Applications and Utilization of Cyclotrons and RIs (RCA Nuclear Medicine Internship Training Programme) will be held at Korea Institute of Radiological and Medical Sciences (KIRAMS) in Seoul, Korea from 14 October 2004 for 3 weeks.

The main objectives of the course is
- to promote understanding about PET (Positron Emission Tomography), brain SPECT (Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography) and relevant clinical imaging technologies, and practice in nuclear medicine,
- to learn radioisotope production and cyclotron technologies, and
- to enhance scientific activities and to encourage research collaboration in the field of nuclear medicine, particularly PET technology.

At this year’s course, the RCA Human Health Thematic Sector Lead Country Coordinator, Dr. Takashi Nakano of Gunma University, Japan, will make a special presentation on 'Overview of RCA Human Health Project and Contributions to the Region'. Details for general information of the course can be found in the RCARO homepage under the ‘New Programme’ menu.

For more information, please write to course coordinator: Mr Choon-Seong Lee, Korea Institute of Radiological and Medical Sciences at csl@kcch.re.kr

