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Regional Workshop on Enhancing Partnership between MSs and IAEA For Delivery of IAEA's TC Programme for East Asia and the Pacific 13-17 October 2003, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia






Regional workshop on enhancing partnership between IAEA and the Member States for delivery of the Agency's technical cooperation programme for East Asia and the Pacific region will be held in 13-17 October 2003 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in collaboration with the Government of Malaysia through the Malaysian Institute for Nuclear Technology Research (MINT).

The IAEA technical cooperation strategy, endorsed by the Board of Governors is enshrined in the concept of partnership in development between the Agency and the Member States. Thus, delivery of the technical cooperation programme throughout the project cycle - planning, implementation and monitoring, and evaluation - requires close contact between the Agency and the Member States. The IAEA's TC Strategy also encourages contact among Member States to enhance Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries (TCDC), share experience, etc.

Participation in the workshop is one person from each IAEA Member State who acts as National Technical Cooperation Liaison Officer for IAEA's technical cooperation programme in the country.
In addition, technical counsellors of Vienna-based Permanent Missions of Member States in East and the Pacific Region are invited to attend the workshop.
For more information: Mr M. N. Razley, Head, East Asia and the Pacific Section, Department of Technical Cooperation, IAEA M.N.Razley@iaea.org