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RCA News
GPA Outreach Online Debate in 8-17 March 2004 Focus on Water Management and Wastewater and Sanitation Open to Stakeholders including Regional Organizations






The Global Protection of Action (GPA) under the Netherlands based UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) will launch an interactive online debate as part of GPA Outreach during 8-17 March 2004. The debate will focus on the themes of 'Water Management and Governance' and 'Wastewater and Sanitation'. The debate is opened to all environment protection related groups, organizations and particularly the GPA stakeholders.

The debate will be located on Stakeholder Forum's website along with relevant background documents. Subscribe can be made by e-mailing kdickinson@stakeholderforum.org. The debate will provide an opportunity for a variety of stakeholders to discuss, debate, share views, experiences towards the issues being addressed across upcoming UN meetings such as the 8th Special Session of the Governing Council (GC)/Global Ministerial Environmental Forum (GMEF).

The GPA is designed to be a source of conceptual and practical guidance to be drawn upon by national and/or regional authorities for devising and implementing sustained action to prevent, reduce, control and/or eliminate marine degradation from land-based activities. More specifically, the GPA recommends the countries to identify and assess problems related to food security and poverty alleviation, public health, coastal and marine resources and ecosystem health including biological diversity, and economic and social benefits and uses, including cultural values.

For more information, write to kdickinson@stakeholderforum.org or visit to https://www.unenvironment.org/

