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RCA News
RCA RTC for Trainers on Cattle Fertility Management for Optimum Economic Returns






IAEA/RCA Regional Training Course for Trainers on “Cattle Fertility Management for Optimum Economic Returns” under the thematic project of Agriculture will be held in 19-23 April 2004 in Ludhiana, India.

The purpose of the course is to provide training to trainers in the following topics: -
Management of breeding bulls, semen technology and delivery of AI services
- Clinical and hormonal investigations, therapy and preventive measures
- Recording, management and reporting of farm and AI data
- Continuing education programmes for technicians, extension workers and farmers 
The IAEA is assisting RCA Member States to improve milk and meat production by small-scale livestock farmers through improved nutrition and reproductive management. Within this programme, radioimmunoassay (RIA) for measuring progesterone in milk is applied together with veterinary clinical investigations to improve the efficiency of artificial insemination (AI) services, diagnose non-pregnancy and infertility, and improve breeding management by farmers. Training of field veterinarians, AI technicians, extension workers and livestock farmers is an important feature of this project.

For more information, please write to course director, Dr. A. S. Nanda (Punjab Agricultural University) at asnanda@satyam.net.in

