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The 12th Meeting of the WG on RCA MTSC held on 20-22 March 2023






The 12th Meeting of the WG on RCA MTSC
20-22 March 2023, held virtually

The 12th Meeting of the Working Group on the RCA Medium Term Strategy (MTS) 2018-2023 Coordination was held virtually on 20-22 March 2023. It was attended by the members of the Working Group and observers, comprising representatives from the Philippines, Bangladesh, New Zealand and Republic of Korea. The Chair of the RCA Programme Advisory Committee (PAC) and representatives from the RCA Regional Office (RCARO) also participated in the event.


The purpose of the meeting was to undertake Limited Final Review of the MTS 2018-2023, to make recommendations to the WG MTS Drafting, and to develop ToR for Committee on Nuclear H&D and Committee on Resrouce Mobilization. The Meeting also discussed action plans for R&D, HRD and Resource Mobilization.

The conclusions and recommendations of the Meeting will be reported to the 45th RCA NRM, to be held in May, in Australia.