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Introductory Workshop for New RCA Government Parties on RCA Programme and its Policy, Coral Coast, Fiji, 23-25 Nov. 2016






1. Introduction


As approved by the 38th NRM, the 2016 RCARO Managed Project “Introductory Workshop for New Government Parties on RCA Programme and its Policy” was held on 23-25 November 2016, in Coral Coast, Fiji, with the objective of providing information on IAEA/RCA frameworks and programme to new RCA Government Parties and newly appointed National RCA Representatives.

The Workshop was attended by 23 participants: the RCA Chair (NR of MON); National RCA Representatives of BGD, KAM, FIJ, LAO, MON, NEP, NZE, PAK and PHI; an expert from AUL; RCA Programme Advisory Committee (RCA PAC) Chair; the RCA Focal Person (IAEA); representatives from Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Fiji; representatives from Pacific Island Development Forum (PIDF) and South Pacific Commission (SPC); and RCARO staff. A list of participants is given in Annexes. (Note: all annexes are posted on the RCA website www.rcaro.org).

The Workshop consisted of three sessions.

Session I consisted of presentations by RCA Focal Person overviewing the IAEA and Technical Cooperation Programme as follows:

  • Overview of the IAEA;
  • Overview of Technical Cooperation Programme; and,
  • Overview of TC Programme Cycle Management Framework (PCMF).

Session II consisted of presentations by AUL, NZE, MON, RCA PAC Chair, and RCARO overviewing the RCA Programme and the RCA Regional Office as follows:

  • RCA Agreement and RCA Guidelines and Operating Rules;
  • RCA MTS 2012-2017 and 2018-2023;
  • Decision Making Procedures in the RCA Programme and roles and responsibilities of RCA NRs;
  • Implementation of RCA Projects (Project cycle and planning, roles/responsibilities of NRs and LCC/NPCs, and RCA PAC and its activities); and,
  • Operation and Management of RCARO.

In Session III, four new RCA Government Parties (KAM, FIJ, LAO, and NEP) presented country reports and the Workshop discussed on the possible future projects/programmes for new RCA GPs and considered options on how these could be integrated into the current RCA framework.



  • The participants were highly appreciative of the RCARO for organizing this Introductory Workshop and of the Government of the Republic of Fiji for hosting it. They noted that the Workshop had provided comprehensive and valuable information on the IAEA/RCA Programme and its policy for new RCA GPs.
  • The Workshop emphasized that it was important for each GP to align the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and RCA Medium Term Strategy (MTS) with its national strategies and priorities for both national and regional development.
  • The promotion and emphasis of the advantages of the peaceful applications of nuclear science and technology was accepted as an important means for increasing its acceptance, utilization and development in the region and for building partnerships.
  • It was agreed that new GPs should be integrated into the RCA Programme without delay, using its current framework for the mutual benefits of both the existing and the new GPs.
  • The Workshop appreciated the approach and support of the RCARO Managed Projects in focusing on the specific needs of the newly joined RCA GPs.