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2010 Jeju Workshop on Enhancing RCARO Interactions with Member States






1. Introduction

As agreed at the 32nd Meeting of National RCA Representatives (NRM) in Manila, the Philippines, on 27-30 April 2010, the RCARO held a Workshop on “Enhancing RCARO Interactions with Member States” at the Ramada Plaza Hotel, Jeju, Republic of Korea on 13-15 July 2010. The total number of participants was twenty two including: three SAC members from ROK, PHI, and IAEA; the NR of Mongolia; eleven experts from Japan, Australia and Korea; the Chief of South-South Unit, UNDP Regional Centre, Bangkok; and six staff members of RCARO. The list of participants is given in Annex 1 (Note: all annexes referred to hereafter are posted on the RCARO website www.rcaro.org). The Workshop was the fourth of its kind organized by RCARO, the first one having been held in 2005 in Jeju, the second in 2007 in Seoul, and the third in 2009 in Jeju.

2. Opening Session

2.1 Welcome Remarks by Dr. Mun-Ki LEE, Director, RCARO

Dr. Mun-Ki LEE, Dir-RCARO, warmly welcomed all the participants and thanked them for attending the Workshop in spite of their busy schedules. He noted that the Workshop had been an initiative to enhance RCARO interactions with Member States. He also noted that the RCARO would review outcomes of its past activities and explore ways to strengthen further its role in RCA. He observed that the Workshop was a valuable opportunity to share experiences and listed a number of tasks for the coming days such as finding ways to promote the RCARO role; further enhancing the visibility of the RCA Programme; attracting new partners and donor organizations; and, exchanging views on the future strategies for the RCARO. With that purpose in mind, he noted that the RCARO had been working on its webpage to incorporate Members Only Homepage (MOH) information and also on a scenario for a promotional video on the RCA. He noted that the conclusions and recommendations from this Workshop would assist in further strengthening the operations of the RCARO. The Opening Remarks by the Dir-RCARO are given as Annex 2.

2.2 Congratulatory Remarks by Dr. DELA ROSA, NR (PHI) and RCA Chair

Dr. Alumanda DELA ROSA, NR (PHI) and current RCA Chair, in her congratulatory remarks, welcomed all the Workshop participants and spoke briefly about the importance of the Workshop.

2.3 Congratulatory Remarks by Mr. Jae-Shik SHIN, NR (ROK)

As NR of ROK, and on behalf of Mr. Nam Pyo HONG, Director General, Atomic Energy Bureau, MEST, Mr. Jae-Shik SHIN gave congratulatory remarks to the participants of the Workshop (Annex 3).

2.4 Introduction to the Workshop

Ms. Yunhee CHOI, Project Officer, RCARO, briefed the Workshop participants on the administrative arrangements and reviewed the agenda and meeting schedule. The Workshop was informed that Session Chairs would be:
Session 1 - Dr. Alumanda DELA ROSA;
Session 2 - Dr. Prinath DIAS; and
Session 3 - Dr. Sueo MACHI.
Ms. Bonhyun KOO agreed to serve as a rapporteur. The Workshop Prospectus and Programme are given in Annex 4 and 5.

2.5 Special Presentation

Mr. Kwan-Kyoo CHOE, Principal Researcher, Korea Institute of Nuclear Non-proliferation and Control made a special presentation entitled “Nuclear Energy Uses and Nuclear Controls”. In the presentation, he introduced two aspects of the use of nuclear energy - peaceful uses and military uses - and set out the areas of activities undertaken by KINAC. He also emphasized the importance of transparency and respect for international cooperation for peaceful uses of nuclear energy.

3. Session 1 - Achievements, Review & Analysis of RCARO Roles, and Future Directions for Better
Interactions with Member States

Dr. Alumanda DELA ROSA chaired this Session.

3.1 RCARO’s Role ? Current Status and Future Directions

Dr. Maeng-Ho YANG, Head of Programme Division, RCARO, gave a presentation entitled “RCARO’s Role ? Current Status and Future Directions” (Annex 6). This dealt with the following topics:
RCARO Roles and Status;
Past Achievements;
Current status of RCA activities; and,
Future Directions.

3.2 RCARO Participation on RCA Projects and Suggested Meetings

Dr. John EASEY, Senior Adviser, ANSTO and the former RCA Coordinator, gave a presentation entitled “RCARO Participation on RCA Projects and Suggested Meetings” (Annex 7). He reviewed a number of aspects of the tasks that the RCARO has to undertake to fulfil its mandate and linked these to the knowledge required to do these tasks at a high level. He examined specifically this in relation to:
RCARO Roles and Status;
RCARO Specific Tasks;
RCA Strategic Priorities 2012-2017;
Knowledge Requirements & Related RCA Events and Activities; and,
Achieving an Optimal Balance in all RCARO Activities.

3.3 General Discussion for Conclusions and Recommendations

In Session 1, RCARO’s past achievements were noted with appreciation and mandates to further strengthen RCARO’s role in supporting the RCA were suggested. The conclusions and recommendations of Session 1 are attached at the end of this report.

4. Session 2 - Enhancing RCARO Interactions with Member States
Dr. Prinath DIAS chaired this Session.

4.1 Promotion of RCA activities ? Achievements and Future Direction

Dr. Jin-Hyung KIM, Head of Administration Division, RCARO, gave a presentation entitled “Promotion of RCA activities ? Achievements and Future Direction” (Annex 8). His main focus was on the following topics:
RCARO Promotional Activities;
Limitations and Solutions; and,
Future Direction and Action Plans.
Achieving an Optimal Balance in all RCARO Activities.

4.2 Directions for Enhancing Promotion of RCA activities

Mr. John K. CHUNG, RCARO Consultant, the former Head, Programme Division, RCARO, gave a presentation entitled “Directions for Enhancing Promotion of RCA Activities” (Annex 9). He covered the following topics:
Recognition of a Legal Status for the RCARO;
Enhanced Partnerships based on Ownership of Individual RCARO Initiated RCA Projects;
Harmonization among Donor Countries in the RCA Region;
Alignment of the Development of Strategies for Developing RCA Member States; and,
Mutual Accountability between RCARO and RCA Member States.
He reviewed RCARO past and present activities and made some suggestions on future directions,

4.3 Promotion of Partnership - Current Status and Future Directions

Dr. Maeng-Ho YANG, Head of Programme Division, RCARO, gave a presentation entitled “Promotion of Partnership - Current Status and Future Directions” (Annex 10), which dealt with the following topics:
Recent Achievements;
Current Issues; and,
Future Direction.

4.4 Introducing the UNDP South-South/MEST Cooperation Programme

Mr. Denis NKALA, Chief, Regional South-South Unit (Asia and Pacific), from the UNDP Regional Centre in Bangkok, gave a presentation entitled “Introducing the UNDP South-South/MEST Cooperation Programme” (Annex 11). This presentation dealt with the criteria for proposals that will be implemented in the new cooperation programme in relation to the following topics:
Millennium Development Goals;
Lessons from the last Cooperation between UNDP Korea and projects implemented by institutions including RCARO;
UN South-South Role in the proposed programme; and,
Time-frames for the Processing of the Projects submitted by RCARO.

4.5 Effective Cooperation and Synergy of RCARO and IAEA - Roles of RCARO

Dr. Sueo MACHI, FNCA Coordinator, gave a presentation entitled “Effective Cooperation and Synergy of RCARO and IAEA - Roles of RCARO” (Annex 12). This dealt with the following topics:
Better Coordination of RCA with IAEA TC Regional Programme in Asia;
Sharing Work between the RCA Focal Person (FP) and the RCARO;
Enhanced Coordination between the RCA Chair, FP and the RCARO;
External Activities of the RCA and the RCARO;
RCARO-funded Projects;
Management Issues of RCARO; and,
Fields of Activities Using Nuclear Technology that Meet Global Interests.

4.6 General Discussion for Conclusions and Recommendations

In Session 2, RCARO’s current activities in publicity and partnership building were debated in depth and future direction of RCARO was also discussed in detail. The conclusions and recommendations of Session 2 are attached at the end of this report.

5. Session 3 - Discussion on RCARO Current Issues
Dr. Sueo MACHI chaired this Session.

5.1 RCARO Homepage Management ? Current Status and Future Direction, and Public Access to MOH Data

Dr. Jin-Hyung KIM, Head of Administration Division, RCARO, gave a presentation entitled “RCARO Homepage Management ? Current Status and Future Direction” (Annex 13) with focus on:
Current Status and Issues;
Future Directions; and,
Implementation Schedule.
He also gave a presentation entitled “RCARO Homepage Management ? Public Access to MOH Data”
(Annex 14) with focus on:
Case Study - Guidelines on Privacy and Information;
Case Study - MOH; and,
ProposalㆍDegree of Public Access to the MOH.

5.2. Scenario of RCA promotional Video

Ms. Bon Hyun KOO, Project Officer, Programme Division, RCARO, gave a presentation entitled “Scenario of RCA promotional Video” (Annex 15), which dealt with:
Background to the Production of a Promotional Video; and,
Scenario for an RCA Promotional Video.

5.3. General Discussion for Conclusions and Recommendations

In Session 3, RCARO’s current activities in homepage management and producing a promotional video were reviewed and debated in depth. The conclusions and recommendations from Session 3 are attached at the end of this report.
Conclusions and Recommendations
1. Session 1

Regarding Session 1 on RCARO’s Achievements, Review & Analysis of RCARO Roles, and Future Directions, it was agreed that the following would be the conclusions and recommendations of Session 1:

The RCARO has successfully implemented its mandates over the past eight years through its various programs including publication of success stories, promotional materials on RCA and its activities, participation in international/regional meetings and conferences, establishment of the RCARO homepage and the integration of the Members Only Homepage(MOH) with the RCARO website, nuclear knowledge preservation program, secondment of temporary staff from the Member States, and successful implementation of the UNDP-Korea funded Tsunami project.

Recommendations related to RCARO Current Status and Future Directions

The RCARO should establish an integrated and strategic approach for the use of its human and physical resources to the maximum effect for the benefit of the RCA Programme. The assistance of the Member States is needed to enable the RCARO to serve the RCA to the fullest extent.
The RCARO should make extensive reference to the RCA archived records on the projects, meeting proceedings, guidelines and procedures for undertaking the RCA activities as a rich source of knowledge on the RCA programme.
The RCARO is encouraged to take a proactive role in setting and incorporating result-based indicators for new RCARO-initiated projects.
The RCARO should maintain linkages with people involved in the past and present RCA programmes as a means to provide effective transfer of knowledge to RCARO on RCA activities. Close coordination and cooperation between the RCARO, the RCA Focal Person and the RCA Chair should be maintained.

Recommendations related to RCARO Participation in RCA Projects and Meetings

The RCARO’s participation in key RCA activities is recommended to facilitate the effective accumulation of essential knowledge required to carry out the RCARO’s present and future tasks.
The RCARO should be involved in the whole spectrum of the RCA programme and particularly in assisting the Member States at certain stages of the project cycle such as in the design of projects, in the monitoring of the progress of project implementation, and in the evaluation of the project at a post-project stage.
Because of the RCARO’s finite physical, human and financial resources, it is recommended that the top priority projects be assisted at an initial stage.

2. Session 2

Regarding Session 2 on Enhancing RCARO Interactions with Member States, it was agreed that the following would be the conclusions and recommendations of Session 2:
1. Recommendations related to future direction of RCARO

To accept the proposal for Strategic Promotion given below subject to better definition of the target groups and editorial corrections


To continue the publication of RCA Success Stories
To publish Success Stories that highlight South-South Cooperation, in partnership with relevant UN and regional organizations
To establish collaboration with communication groups of the Member States to obtain assistance in promoting RCA activities
To prepare RCA Project achievement reports for publicity purposes in consultation with the RCA FP and relevant PLCCs

2. Recommendations related to establishment of partnerships

To focus on organizations that provide grants rather than loans
To obtain and retain information on the time-frames for project development by potential donor agencies
To conform to the following criteria adopted by the 36th RCA GCM held in 2007 on establishing partnerships:
a. regional involvement;
b. consistency with MTS goals specifically, the criteria for RCA projects; and,
c. compatibility and similar planning cycles with RCA programme; and ,
d. projects where nuclear techniques have a leading role to play.

It was noted that the Workshop on “Partnership Promotion and Sustainable Development” held in 2009 had also made recommendations on establishment of partnerships.

3. Recommendations related to South-South Cooperation

To exchange details of the RCA Programme and the UNDP Regional South-South Programme at a meeting of the representatives from the two programmes to identify the potential for synergy in TCDC activities.

4. Recommendations related to enhancing the legal status of the RCARO

To provide information to the next SAC Meeting and the 39th RCA GCM on ;
a. the need to enhance the legal status of the RCARO and consequential benefits it will provide to the Member States; and,
b. specific actions that have to be taken to provide the required legal status for the RCARO.

It was noted that this issue had been discussed at several fora in the past. It was also noted that there could be a need to revise the RCA Agreement to meet the current requirements of the RCA Programme, at the next extension of the Agreement in 2012.

3. Session 3

Regarding Session 3 on the Discussion on RCARO Homepage Management and a Scenario of RCA promotional video, it was agreed that the following would be the conclusions and recommendations of Session 3:
1. Recommendations related to RCARO Homepage Management

? Workshop supported the presented proposals on the renewal of the RCA public homepage subject to limiting the incorporation of information from the RCA MOH as stated below.
? Workshop recommended that the following project information from the RCA MOH could be included in the public website:
a. The project document;
b. The annual achievement report;
c. A summary of outcomes of the progress review meetings to be prepared by the PLCC; and,
d. Meeting schedules.

2. Recommendations related to RCA Promotional Video

The RCA promotional video should include the following:
a. The RCA vision and mission statements;
b. The role of the IAEA in the RCA Programme; and,
c. Other RCA partners such as FNCA;
The video should avoid the following:
a. Overstating to results to secure credibility;
b. Negative images in the beginning;
c. Giving too much information; and,
d. Giving numerical data in a too specific way.
The video should be downloadable from the RCA website.
The draft scenario should be circulated for detailed inputs from Workshop participants.


